Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts


Workplace Emotional Labor and Diversity

Theses & Dissertations Proposed/Defended in Fall 2022. Congratulations WELDers!

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Cristina Gonzalez defended her master’s thesis on COVID safety practices, self-determination and turnover in service work: “How do new safety practices contribute to service workers’ turnover intentions? A self-determination perspective”

Katie England defended her dissertation on giving negative feedback: “Bad News Bearers: Feedback-Giving as an Anxiety-Eliciting Event in a Diverse Workplace”

Kayley Morris proposed her master’s thesis on previously incarcerated people in the workplace: “Outcomes of disclosing previous incarceration at work”

Kristen Swigart proposed dissertation on humility and leadership: “Too humble to lead?: the impact of expressed humility on leadership emergence and the critical role of organizational context”